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Finnish Neuro Society’s rehabilitation services

Illness brings changes to a person’s day-to-day life. Through rehabilitation, the problems associated with neurological diseases can be eased and prevented. The Finnish Neuro Society offers adaptation training and rehabilitation courses throughout Finland, as well as institutionally at the Masku Neurological Rehabilitation Centre. The Neuropiste rehabilitation centres in Helsinki and Turku provide outpatient rehabilitation for individuals, as well as group therapy. In addition, the Satakieli assisted living facility in Lappeenranta provides occupational therapy and multifaceted therapy for individuals and groups.

Rehabilitation courses

Symptoms of neurological disease may appear at any time and regardless of one’s life situation, but the suffering it causes can be reduced and prevented through rehabilitation. The Neuro Society’s rehabilitation courses support people’s ability to function and improve their quality of life.

The Neuro Society produces and develops group-based adaptation training courses. The services are intended for people suffering from MS or rare neurological diseases and their loved ones. They are primarily aimed at people whose illness is not severe and who are not receiving sufficient rehabilitation services in public healthcare.

Masku Neurological Rehabilitation Centre

The Finnish Neuro Society’s Masku Neurological Rehabilitation Centre is the only unit in Finland that is solely dedicated to providing rehabilitation and integration coaching services to clients with neurological disorders. The rehabilitation centre in Masku provides both personalised rehabilitation services as well as courses for specific disorder groups. The centre’s rehabilitation services are open to everyone in Finland.

All rehabilitees are provided with access to the centre’s versatile and accessible physical and occupational therapy facilities, swimming and therapy pools, and the services provided by the centre’s multi-disciplinary staff. MS patients represent the rehabilitation centre’s largest client group. The rehabilitation centre also contains the resource centre for rare neurological disorders.


The Neuropiste rehabilitation centres in Helsinki and Turku provide outpatient rehabilitation for individuals, as well as group therapy.

The therapy services are intended for everyone. Neuropiste’s personnel specialise in rehabilitation for neurological symptoms, and customers with severe neurological symptoms are also welcome. A person under 65 who has a neurological disease and experiences considerable difficulties performing and participating in day-to-day activities can apply for a payment commitment from the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela), if necessary. Neuropiste also welcomes people who pay on their own or are referred by a doctor.

Service House Satakieli

The Finnish Neuro Society’s assisted living facility Satakieli in Lappeenranta provides both occupational and multimodal therapy.

Personalised occupational therapy is meant for patients with a neurological disorder, disability or whose functional capabilities have been altered in a way that they cannot cope with the demands of everyday life. The goal of occupational therapy is to discover the methods that an individual requires to be able to attend to their everyday needs, domestic life, everyday errands, work, leisure time, and rest.

Group occupational therapy is meant for those individuals with a neurological disorder, disability or any other persons who have considerable difficulties in coping at home, in a social environment or in working life. The goal of the group is to maintain and develop the work and functional capabilities of its members. The group occupational therapy utilises different guided activities, such as kitchen activities, visual expression, music, exercise, relaxation, handicrafts, and games that develop various skills.

Multimodal therapy is arranged for those rehabilitees whose physical, mental, social and cognitive capabilities or functional special needs can be affected with multimodal group rehabilitation.